
Saturday, June 20, 2009


today wake up in the morning n bath to ready to go ttc.... kell come my house i was bathing n i dono she came d....after i out from toilet i sure will go my room n take my shirt de right?i get frighten that time...i was like,why suddenly got ppl is sleeping on my bed de?i nearly scream kellye....oh god......she looks so sleepy...haha.....after finisg eating my breakfast,mum fetch us go ttc lu..after that,we take bus to mv....and meet up jun sam n dear lu....we went to watch Hannah Montana.....i love this show very much...its intresting....we met shumman n alvin there too....after movie alvin say he wanna join us....becuz potato had to go....but he follow us just for 5 minit i think?then he say he go KL...he really left out by us lu...hehe...sorry....after movie we really have no where to go?walk here n there dono do wat...then kell alone eat ice cream...three of us just looking at her...haha.....after finish her ice-cream,we went to KFC to have our lunch...this time is she look at us eating......but i oso didn't eat much lu...just dear feed me then i eat only appatied to eat..dono why?bout 3 something went back ttc n have sains tuition lu...dear back too....miss him la...still got 7 days he will leave...T_Tafter tution we sit taxi back kellye house her house she cook pasta n maggie for me n her mami...thx alot...sorry for not helping...i addicted to that nigh i just back home lu...cook pasta for sis to eat....=]

kell with the piece on her head
look like cow or pig?
cow n pig?
m3..i love my long hair..=]

dear is feeding me..thx dear

jun sam

candid by dear
me n dear outside the cinema

da is teaching us sains...thx da

candid by dear.=]

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