
Saturday, June 20, 2009


before going out=]

wake up around 10 something n i went for hair cut.....
but in the end my hair atill the same no change....becuz the aunt say many things bla bla wat make it more natural first la only cut...fine...
after that went to have lunch in mcd with sis n mum lu.....after lunch mum fetch me to skul....having study date with kell n tong in skul....
we study at reading coner,so hot la....around 3.30 we went to mv,due to the hotness in skul i really tak boleh tahan d so just go mv lu........walk around there n bring tong to garden walk walk....about 4 something we take taxi back to skul.....tong went home d ,kell n me take taxi back her house again lu...i using her com n she went to study.....miss my blog so much la...when my house de cam only ok leh?today bm tuition is cancle so tmr night having tution..

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