
Sunday, June 21, 2009


went to ttc early in the morning again.....this time dear wait for me...its very hard to see dear so punctual in time de leh...very hard to let him wait for me de leh....this is the first time=]
every time oso i'm the one hu waiting for him...actually plan to go s.p to shop...but someone use a stupid reason n call me to go his house...he say he forget to bring my art file with on purpose de plan to go back n take n bout nooon will go s.p....then lastly oso never more mood to he help me draw a him to help me,he only help me draw one of it only...i give this file to him so long liao leh....aiks...nvm la....kell n da is waiting for me in library..hehe...bout 4 something went to ttc n take my books n take taxi to old town...have mcd for our late lunch....thx dear sending me back here...after i walk alone to library to meet up da n kell.....we have no transport back we take i'm very in taxi i wanna sleep...i sleep at kell shoulder...but she bully me....cuz at tuesday we bully her when she is sleeping is my turn to let her bully...hehe.....
kell mummy fetch us to tution..thx aunt...

kell kell bully me.... kell ar,my face not "min fan kui"la...

look like children?

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