
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

this year CALYX won three prizes,that is
*best dresses
*best make up
*and they won't 3rd place!!!!
congratulation to all of you...
you guys did very well this year!!
keep in up!!
we still will support all of you!!!

after i bath=]
me n the clayx card=]
kellye n me=]
i look so tired in this pic..
two of us wear almost the same thing today=]

no idea wat is she doing?
but she is very funny..haha

us with the "bom bom"

santon...he is a very funny guy
the purple "bom bom"
charm is practising behind he back stage...

the stadium

santon n dono hu(forget his name)sorry
is performancing....they are great

the concert...
dam boring

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