
Thursday, June 25, 2009


today skul just reopen and we need to continue our exam lu...first day just exam seni we just draw no need study......i hate drawing so much la.....aizh...why SPM wanna exam seni leh?after skul meet up dear,dear is living tmr...i'm so sad...i miss my dear so so much..T_Tkell skip maths tuition today,so i went home n sleep for while n ready for tution lu......i'm very tired n my mood quite down....=[after tuition rest for while n i start to study for tmr exam lu...i try to concentrate in my study but i can't....cuz i keep thinking of dear....he is living me,three months!!!sigh....
but in the midnight i had a agrument with him....i'm hurt badly....=[
while studying he ask me to call he,say got a good i quickly call him,n he told me he no need go ns d...say wat recieve a letter.....that time i'm so so so happy!!!!!
after hanging out,we sms lu...i ask him why the letter come so last minit de....he just didn't even answer me this question...ask so many time oso change topic.....and that time i feel he is lieing to me....i feel that he got something hiding from me!!!!!!i'm going to cry that time,he keep call me to study i just tell him i finish studying!!!!
so now i noe the truth,he really lie to me...i'm so hurt....dear,i noe why u did this to me....u just wan me to study probably...but dear do u think when i noe the truth,i will get hurt badly...this is the second time i get so hurt by u and by this study reason!!!!
this year january,before the 1st day of skul open u break with me...and u oso didn't tell me the truth of the reason why u wanna break with me......after few days,i only noe the truth...i noe it from my best friend not from u...after i noe the reason,i'm there to waiting u to tell me the last u really tell me the true answer why u wanna break with me...i'm happy that time..but my heart really pain...sometimes i dono why will suddenly think back this things,and i will cry...this hurt won't ever recover....dear,can u promise me do not lie to me or hurt me for any study reason anymore?


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