
Saturday, July 4, 2009


today is skul replacement...
so they are many ppl won't class only 12 ppl came...4 grils 8 i'm alone in class...n i'm doing acc...^^miss my dear so much....
after skul da follow me back home,after that her mum came n fetch me..
as usual at this day i'm waiting the time to past....hope it pass quickly...
5 pm i only can sms with my dear...aizh...hope you faster come back ar!!!
at night 11 something i think?call dear n chat with him....whao....n we chat really long...
this is my first time chatting with him for so long!!!2 n the half phone bill sure expensive,my dad gonna kill me..=[but scold but is worth..hehe
after this phone call,i think two of us had nothing hide in the heart d ba...
my dear tell all the past of him...thx dear...we promise not to hide anything d ok?anything just tell out,we will face it together...we face so many things together d i'm sure if thier is still more things going to us i think we can solve it together right dear?
i love you so much my dear!!!
n this night i really learn many things...really thx dear=]

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